“Print and Play (PnP)
The prototype of the game in its “Print and Play” (PnP) version will be available soon.
In this version, anyone can print, assemble and play in their home or business.
The repository will contain:
- Game manual;
- Center board – A2 size;
- Center tray – A4 size;
- Individual Player Board – A4 size;
- Strategic Planning Charters;
- Strategy Cards;
Creation of a set of cards (packs) segmented by:
Size of the business:
There should be at least two sets of cards, one aimed at micro and small businesses and the other at medium and large companies. His justification is given by the content of the letters.
For example: for the entrepreneurs taking part in the pilots, it doesn’t make much sense to talk about topics such as ESG, ODS, Circular Economy, Triple Bottom Line, for micro and small businesses, unless they are startups with innovations in the area or extremely niche businesses.
Players’ maturity level:
There should be one set of cards for beginners and another for advanced players. Extra attention should be paid to the way the text is written on the card, taking into account the small space, the reading speed, the difficulty of interpretation and the execution of the activities so as not to lose the immersion and fun of the game.
For example: some English terms, despite being widely used in the market, have made it difficult for some players to read and interpret them. Some of the concepts and activities described on the cards were not understood by some players, while other players found some of the tips and actions very basic.
Business Segment:
Partnerships could be set up with some companies to create specific charters for niche businesses, facilitating employee onboarding, periodic training or even improving employee relations and the organizational climate.
For example: letters for the health sector, or the financial sector.
Glimpsed by players in the three separate rounds, the possibility was raised of creating simpler games for students of a particular subject, from primary, secondary and higher education, bringing in subjects such as history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, project management, production engineering.
Creation of a mobile application:
Hybrid game:
It consists of the face-to-face game, using the central and player boards and the other pieces, thus promoting team integration, but using the cards drawn by the app. The greatest benefit observed with this solution is that there can be frequently updated cards (new cards or corrections to cards), new card segments, filtering of cards by maturity level, company size or company objective or players with the dynamics of the game.
This solution will bring a possible resolution to various issues raised by the players.
The app could have a simple and quick way of answering some of the players’ frequently asked questions about everyday situations. These questions from the players should be used to improve the game, such as creating new cards or improving the texts on existing cards.
Tip of the Day: the app will be able to send a daily notification to the player with a “Strategic Letter” containing a random tip or segmented by a specific theme of the player’s choice.
Online game:
The need for a fully virtual game (online and offline) was realized by the author, all the participants in the pilots and other people who were approached by the author.
Its development will take place at a future and opportune moment, depending on the results of the application of the physical and hybrid game, as well as, above all, on obtaining financial support, whether from the author, crowdfunding or other sources of funding.
The critical factors for not developing the virtual game during the monograph were the low level of knowledge about the structure of digital games and their dynamics; relative time for research and study; costs related to creating a prototype; and especially the future creation of a commercial version, encompassing its corrective maintenance (correcting errors in the code, bugs), evolutionary maintenance (improvements in the code, performance, compatibility and architecture updates) and the development of new features.